View the Rentokil Initial annual report 2022 below. Download this and previous annual reports by simply selecting the year. And read the PDF documents on your computer and mobile device.
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These annual reports were published by and are property of Rentokil Initial.
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For enquiries regarding a physical (paper) copy of the annual report please refer to Investor Relations of Rentokil Initial. Visit for more information
For questions regarding the content or publishing of an annual report please refer to Investor Relations of Rentokil Initial. Visit for more information
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We have listed all Rentokil Initial annual reports that we have found. If you're missing the latest annual report which you are certain has been published, please mail to We'll add the report ASAP and mail you a link to the report.
If the company is not listed, we can not help you. But you can easily search the internet using the following search term: "COMPANY annual report YEAR filetype:pdf". The search results will only contain links to PDF files.'
You need to run the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader on your mobile device. And your smartphone or tablet needs to run on iOS 12 or Android 5.0 and later. Furthermore for now Liquid Mode can convert only up to 200 pages and a file size of less than 10 MB. Unfortunately some files are larger than this. Hopefully future versions of Adobe Acrobat Reader will be able to handle larger files.